Complaint management

We are here to support you

The main ambition of Credit-audit Ltd is that its customers should be satisfied with its administration, customer service and the Company’s delegates. Despite this, our customers might happen to have an objection to or complaint about our services. It is important for us to exploit the positive information content of our customers’ complaints.

The thorough knowledge of the problems, the complaints solved on the spot and the customers’ feedback all facilitate an increase in our service standards, as well as the possibility of the development of the relationship between the customers and the Company.

Therefore, the Company has compiled a detailed complaint management regulation, which has been integrated into the administrative and filing system (FOKI). Furthermore, the purpose of the regulation is to establish a unified system of tasks, competences and procedures connected to the administration of the complaints within the organisation of Credit-audit Ltd.

A The Complaint Management Regulation may be downloaded and printed here. In connection with your complaint, you may write to us directly by completing and sending the following online surface to us:

Contact us

Please submit the following form with your questions or issues.

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Credit-Audit Ltd.

1146 Budapest, Thököly út 59/A.
+36 1 450 0433